Although most of the people in the United States l... in cities, you'd never know it by looking at a map of the country, because those urban areas take up... ...state parks, and federal wilderness areas! Other maps show us where the crops, the forests, the people, and t... Urban Institute has an interactive map that shows how many Americans are in debt county-... "in debt," because that would be almost all of us . This shows the percentage of people whose debts... do you select the most iconic movie for each s... ...elect the most iconic movie for each state in the US ? Some are pretty easy, because there aren't that... ...Entertainment Weekly did their best with this new map states make up what Americans consider &ldquo... ...lassify Kentucky in the South, others have called us the Midwest, while the term “Appalachian&rd... ...ssification doesn’t appear on most cultural maps . But what about Delaware? Maryland? Oklahoma? Vox... asked to click on the states... Code Black Group has a map that shows where the wealthiest and poorest count... ...n the very bottom twenty. They also did a similar map and ranking of counties by the percentage of the... Mitchell was born in the colony of Virginia,... ...rade and Plantations commissioned him to create a map of the American colonies. Although Mitchell wasn&... ...asn’t trained in cartography, he produced a map , published in 1755, that was surprisingly accurat... ...those of the French and Spanish.M... Headley produced an interactive map of the United States that’s also a game. Ea... ...hellip;you know. Check your own score at The Shag Map . -via Metafilter their afternoon map today, mental_floss did a Google query for each s... the third year in a row, Buzzfeed asked the UK... ...British people trying to label the states on U.S. maps . Honestly, Brits know a lot about the U.S., but w... ...out the U.S., but when they are confronted with a map asking for fifty labels, it’s suddenly diff... ...they knew them or not, which is... Americans what they’re eating on Thanksg... ...overwhelming majority (82% here) will say turkey, usually with dressing and gravy. Sweet potatoes, cranberr... poll, crunched the numbers, and came up with a map showing which side dish is disproportionally popu...