It would have never occurred to me to take a r... ...ite and is open for tourist traffic. See ten such UK aqueducts at WebUrbanist. Link it or not, the First Lady of mystery and the Big Kahuna had something in common-they were both innovators in the sport of surfing! Agatha Christie, as it turns out, was one of the first Britons to stand up on a s... printing is such a new process that we are... ...hing to print is over, because engineers from the UK have used the 3d printer to create an aircraft ca... ... uk -engineers-print-and-fly-worlds-first-working-3-d-... knew there were some provocative place names i... ...Swallow Passage, London Bachelors Bump, Essex, UK Crapstone, Devon Fanny Hands Lane, Lincolnshire... ...ds Lane, Lincolnshire Golden Balls, Oxfordshire, UK Hornyold Road, Malvern Wells, UK Lower Swell, Gloucestershi... of the quiet English seaside town of Southsea were startled when they discovered they had a new resident. Towering over them at fifty feet and over seventy in length the reproduction of an Ultrasaurus (which w... list of hilarious answers to game show questions proves that American contestants aren't the only ones who fall apart under pressure. Here is a sample: BEG, BORROW OR STEAL (BBC2) Jamie Theakston: Where do you t... Wrecks causes me to cringe all of the time, u... ...ix digits on it. In case you don't know what the UK[youtube= ...Vmb2o][YouTube - Link]The folks at Eden TV, a new UK -based natural history television network, celebra... when we talk about religion and "conversion" we are referring to people that decided to make a major change in their faith. But what about actual religious temples going into a major conversion?... when video games were bad for you? Mom and Dad would complain about how they tied up the television, kept you from playing outdoors, ruined your eyesight and wasted your time. That’s a thing of the past. R...