It's street art, but in a rural setting. Since 200... ...llective has added lively, often playful faces to trees in Germany, Denmark and France. The artists' goal... looks like something right out of a fantasy book. Somewhere in Vermont, a couple of kids had not just one tree house to share, but three separate houses of their own that they could go to and from with a ladder and... only is this little Dalek a great way to make your Christmas tree a little more deadly, but it's easy to put together on your own and enjoy a little Doctor this year.Link... takes a volcano or a nuclear explosion to bring... ...or a nuclear explosion to bring down a forest of trees , but a thunderstorm or snowfall will uproot trees in your neighborhood. Hurricane Sandy toppled ove... ...neighborhood. Hurricane Sandy toppled over 8,000 trees in... people of Tana Toraja, an island in Indonesia, have a richly developed body of practices for mourning. Among them is a unique approach to marking the death of a baby. If a child dies before s/he teethes, the family c... he became famous, British novelist Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) worked as an architect. One of his more unpleasant projects was the relocation of an old graveyard to make way for the expansion of London. He arranged f... Link) It's called a tree spade -- a piece of heavy equipment previously unknown to me but apparently widely available. Here's one in Berwick, Australia slicing into the earth several feet below the surface, t...'s a delightful and relaxing gallery of ph... ...photographs featuring exotic animals clinging to trees . As if we needed another reason to love forests!... posted a map detailing the "Aboveground W... the continental United States (in other words, trees ). Josef Kellndorfer and Wayne Walker of the Wood... ...rbon—stored in the trunks, limbs, and leaves of trees . The darkest greens reveal the areas with the den... ...abase includes measurements of... you love Harry Potter, then you'd better celebrate your geek-interests with your own great golden snitch ornaments. They seem pretty easy to make as long as you just have a golden glass ornament, some tissue paper...