Traveling is great, but it's also expensive -at least, most... ...h, you can still visit nice places. In fact, this Travel and Leisure article has 10 different places that... people still think the cheetah is the world's... bat blows them both out of the water, traveling an incredible 99 miles an hour. There is one chal... the bat's title though -peregrine falcons can travel 186 miles per hour, but they can only go that fas... ...straight forward movement... you ever wished you could eat inside a cliff... ...hese an more dining locations on this fascinating Travel and Leisure article. much do you know about Disney World? Unless yo... ...on't know all the trivia bits on this fascinating Travel and Leisure article. Even if you know all about t... Hills is known for mega-mansions and celebrities, but amongst the glitz and glamour lies the strange and wonderful Witch House. The strange structure was orginally built in Hollywood back in 1920s for the silent... the fifth time, we get to take a dancing travelogue with Matt Harding. He started compiling clips of... are a great place to learn about art, history, science, toilet seat covers, Big Macs -ok maybe those last two don't really fit in with the others, but that doesn't mean there aren't museums dedicated to those top... matter where you're from, you're subject to stereotypes about your home state. Thrillist has collected some of the most obnoxious questions people love to ask people from each state in an effort to stop some of these... wish you could visit Walter White's house? He... ...t other places you could see in real life over at Travel and Leisure. probably know Americans love ketchup on their fries and the French love to dip theirs in mayonnaise, but did you know that San Diegians love to top theirs with cheese, guacamole and carne asada? Or that fries in Viet...