Science is taking a vacation! Or, let’s say, science is finding out things about vacations, and how you can get more bang for your buck. Findings by Dr. Amit Kumar and Dr. Thomas Gilovich analyzed the amount of hap... people hate air travel , which is understandable considering how uncomfor... ...enough to overlook in favor of the excitement of travel . If you fall into the later category, you might j...[]YouTube LinkSummer is the time for vacations, and as you can probably tell from your social media feeds, most people tend to take boring and uninspired vacation pictures. This video presents... last two times I drove to Florida, it took two... ...participants. The researchers assumed we have to travel the exact same route there and back to feel the e... love libraries here at Neatorama and our most recent Homes and Hues article is a tribute to those places of knowledge. While there are some utterly beautiful libraries that have been around for centuries, the newer on... Panoramic, Chamonix, France | Image: ChamonixTh... of 50 restaurants worldwide that are worthy of travel to-do lists due to their stunning views. Each pan... Floss writer Therese O'Neill compiled this... ...ays the site Этикет США. "If you want to travel to America, be prepared to give a smile not only... ...of any advice you'd give to a Russian planning to travel to the U.S.? Image: TUBS at Neatorama love Disney and have featured a lo..., I was happily surprised to see that this cool Travel and Leisure article actually had quite a few fact... know what really stimulates the appetite? Prison -or at least it must be given that there are at least two different prison-themed restaurants, one in China and one in Italy.Not a big fan of prison food? How about a... from @ChrisBurkard, who specializes in land... motivatiing factors in order to make frequent travel plans. Others need a bit more of a push, whether...