Intrepid newspaper reporter Tintin has come up against some tough opponents in his t... ...Herge could have been. Check out the rest of the Tintin might just be a better movie than both the Phantom Menace or The Adventures of Tin Tin. Would you go see it? Link... you haven’t already heard through the thousan... ...usands of ads being seen at this very moment, the Tintin movie opens today. For the handful of Americans w... ...of the Belgian hero, this is big news. But since Tintin never caught on in America like he did throughout... ...amous character. Even if you... you love Tintin , you'd love this: a fan-made title sequence for &... ...le sequence for "The Adventures of Tintin ," by James Curran of SlimJim Studi... ...lutely brilliant! Previously on Neatorama: Tintin Shot... Post-Its art? Neatoramanaut t... ...ion of Hergé's The Adventures of Tintin : Destination Moon. Dan Hipp's mashups of Tintin book covers with today's pop culture themes are s...