Ordinarily, I would change the headline from the o... ...the 'iron man' was (ahem) collected by Nazis from Tibet during an exhibition in 1938. This week, its orig... ...brought to Germany by a Nazi-backed expedition to Tibet in 1938-39. The swastika symbol on the piece &nda...
Buddhist ‘Iron Man’ Found by Nazis Is From Space...
Tibetans Evolved to Survive at Higher Altitudes
A new study suggests that ethnic Tibetans have certain evolutionary advantages that help th... ...raits, they have lower hemoglobin levels than non- Tibetans . This is a significant advantage when living at... ...ffects could have led to a genetic mutation among Tibetans that...
Pop Culture Tibetan "Buddha" Paintings by Gade
In his art series "New Buddha," Tibetan artist Gade combined pop culture with traditional... ...artist Gade combined pop culture with traditional Tibetan art:Gade points out "In most people's minds,... ...art:Gade points out "In most people's minds, Tibet i...
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