Here's another clever yet dreadful mashup from the... yet dreadful mashup from the YouTuber known as There I Ruined It. He combined the classic Queen "Another One Bi...'s powerfully rhythmic "Hollaback Girl" roc... in 2005. YouTube's greatest gift to humanity, There , I Ruined It has adapted it for the ragtime tunes of a cent... the first time you heard one of your favo... ...ard, the insane genius behind the YouTube account There I Ruined remix by the YouTuber known as There I Ruined It (previously) combined Sir Mix-A-Lot with Leona... latest mashup from YouTuber There I Ruined It (previously) features Billy Idol singing a liv...'s Paradise by Coolio was a #1 hit in 1995... ...t in 1995. For the upcoming Oktoberfest, YouTuber There I Ruined It (previously) turned it into a Bavarian polka.... YouTuber with the account name There I Ruined It did something you would never, ever think of....