Star Trek was written for adults from the beginnin... ...ery planet the Enterprise visited. Star Trek: The Next Generation continued that tradition, although it had a wider... Trek itself is 50 years old, and the second T... ...elf is 50 years old, and the second TV series The Next Generation is 30. The show was supposed to capitalize on Sta... Trek TV shows such as Deep Space Nine, The Next Generation , Voyager and Enterprise have played host to so ma...’s been a while since we’ve heard a Pogo remix, so it’s extra-special that his new one is Star Trek themed! It’s a remix of sounds from Patrick Stewart as Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Brent Spide... Generation , Captain Picard’s crew also roamed the univ... roamed the universe in four movies- Star Trek: Generations (1994), Star Trek: First Contact (1996), Star Tre... ...the cinema instead of actually ending. Star Trek: Generations actually served to link th...[] (YouTube link)Outtak... ...and shenanigans from season two of Star Trek: The Next Generation . After 24 years, you should be able to handle see...