Forgive me for not recognizing the character being... known as Black Widow, a founding member of The Avengers . This comic from Dorkly is an update of a similar... the time superhero flicks became the box office... ...looks you see in Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers , and Oscar nominated costume designer Michael Wil... David Ngo)Harley Kat offers this fresh tak... ...ffers this fresh take on Loki, the bad boy of The Avengers movies who makes so many people swoon. Loki has f...'ve seen the movie, now here's the cosplay. For CONvergence in Minnesota, redditor lisalouwho08 and her friends dressed as a more rural collection of the world's greatest heroes. She's playing She-Hulk, the cousin of... Darby Simon)When PBS faces its greatest cr... .... Men vs Cosplay offers this friendly take on The Avengers .Question: which PBS host corresponds with which A... unknown) Avengers , assemble! Specifically, assemble in a line by th... ...hotos allegedly show what the actors who play the Avengers looked like when they were kids. I suggest that i...[](Vide... ...ody of Mark Ronson's "Uptown Funk." The hit movie Avengers : Age of Ultron is now about an unstoppable dancin... style: getting angry, logging into Twitter, th... ...into Twitter, then smashing your keyboard.If the Avengers used social media, what would they use? Captain A... ...nes of BuzzFeed photoshopped the 6 members of the Avengers Marvel Studios)In the 2012 movie The Avengers , some of the greatest heroes of the Marvel Univer... was an idea, Stark knows this, called the Avengers Initiative. The idea was to bring together a grou...