Three years ago, we looked at trivia about the fam... ...ago, we looked at trivia about the famous action television show Xena: Warrior Princess. That show was a spin... ...of as a series of televised movies, not a regular television show. The title role was offered to Dolph Lundgre... September 26, 1969, a fictional family called the Bradys permitted Americans a reprieve from a tumultuous age. Sherwood Schwartz's The Brady Bunch showed a family that was perfectly good--free from want, misfortune an... emergencies on television dramas are very different from real life. In real... don't know about you guys, but I've been disappointed with the quality of Animal Planet programing as of late, as it lacks the whole animal perspective I am looking for. But it sounds like they're trying to woo us anim..."Needs to feel a little more multi-cam. These jokes are too witty, too good." - FOX— Network Notes (@TvNetworkNotes) October 7, 2013 Upon revealing a 7-foot tall woman with green skin, claws, and a giant domed... Steve Johnson)Norway has, by American stan... ...can standards, somewhat eccentric preferences for television programming. Several months ago, it showed a 12-h... I use this excuse? Will my boss accept it? Onl... ...t’s like the flu for my soul and I need the television equivalent of chicken soup.Closure? I don’t... Price is Right crowd but for my life decisions.— Taylor (@gingerfaced) May 16, 2013 Want it on a t-shirt? Click the shirts below!...'s clarify something straight away with this we... .... Love that. It's definately the future of serial television wife and I started watching the new Showtime original, Ray Donovan. It's set in and around Los Angeles, staring Liev Schreiber as a tall, dark, handsome, former Southy who's now a big-shot Hollywood tough guy doing Mr...