The man known as Technoviking managed to win his lawsuit against the videograph... ...f against Matthias Fritsch over the 2000 video of Technoviking dancing at a street fair that went viral in 2007.... ...ral in 2007. The judgement means Fritsch must pay Technoviking the money... still-unnamed star of the hit video known as Technoviking is suing Matthias Fritsch, the filmmaker who reco... ...very forthcoming with the facts of the case, but Technoviking wants all videos and images bearing his likeness... .... Judges in the case proposed a compromise, which T... 2007, Technoviking took YouTube by storm (What? Don't know who Technoviking is? You poor thing! Don't fret - we've... ...inflatable of his face. Here's Meme Junkyard: Technoviking . []... ...nickname of its Teutonic protaganist, *st...