Neatorama Posts Tagged "Tanks"
Russian Tank Captured in Ukraine Found at Louisiana Truck Stop...

This isn't some old T-55 from a couple generations ago that you could buy cheaply after the Soviet Union fell in 1991.* This is a T-90, which is Russia's top-shelf modern main battle tank.Redditor /u/Mutantlight snapped...
During World War I, British Tanks Were Designated as "Male" or "Female"

(Photo: Imperial War Museum)How would a soldier kn...  ...necessary to make an anatomical inspection. Heavy tanks with cannons were male. Lighter tanks with multiple machine guns were female. Bryn Hamm...
A Remote Controlled, Steam Powered Tank...

This is not just an electric RC tank that has been decorated in a steampunk style. This is an authentic steampunk tank because it's powered by real steam engines!Ian's tank has a steel model Tiger II tank as a chassis. T...
This Man Built a Motorized Model Tank from Boxes...

Upuaza Touryou, a user of the NicoNico video hosting site, ordered an electric motor and a remote controller from, then built a tank from those parts and the boxes that they came in! Check out the impressive v...
Urged on by His Mom, Man Impulsively Buys Tank...

(Photo: Jimmy Johansson)Back when I was in high school, after the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a lot of cheap Soviet military equipment available on international markets. I briefly schemed to somehow acquire a T-...
How to Test the Brakes on a Tank...

According to internet rumor, the video below the R...  ...nds Army testing the brakes on one of its Leopard tanks .Who are these 23 people in front? Interns?[https:...
Tank Sushi...

It looks imposing, but this tank is so poorly armored that it should break under your chopsticks. Brian Ashcraft of Kotaku tells us about this fishy tank:As pointed out by Naver, a sushi restaurant called Kurisakiya bega...
Tank Altar...

This moving photo was taken on 24 June 1944, one week into the three week battle to capture the island of Saipan. The caption provided by the Marine Corps Archives reads:Navy Chaplain O. David Herrmann, of Omaha, Neb., a...
German Tank Manual, c. 1943...

I haven't read many tank manuals, but I'm willing...  ...however, comes from one that did. Germany's Tiger tanks were among the finest of World War II. Germany wa...
A System to Allow Tankers to Fire Their Biological Waste at the Enemy...

Tank crewmen under fire can't just step outside fo...  .... They have to keep their, uh, waste inside their tanks . But that may change, thanks to a patent filed by...

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