Melissa Smith makes amazing portraits of superheroes and supervillains with splattered paint. I think... might not be the world's fastest superheroes , but they're certainly some of the most ill-propo... fun superhero themed graphic design series is by Matthew Olin, a guy who knows that great graphic design comes with great responsibility, namely the fact that his works must be pleasing to the eye. Matthew's desi..., so these paintings by Tim MacLean are on... ...appearance, the message they convey about modern superheroes being representations of ancient myths is pretty... and I are at Comic Con this weekend and while we won't have anything to show you until later in the week, I thought you might all appreciate these fantastic hyper-realist paintings by Simon Monk for the time being.... Clark Kent, AKA Superman, a nice guy? Not if you're his employer. Ed Yong argues that Kent has serious ethical problems: When it comes to journalistic ethics, Mr Kent is not so super after all. He regularly reports... Amazing Spider-Man? They put out Spider-Man reboots faster than I can fly around the planet. @JerkSuperman— Team Twaggies (@twaggies) July 6, 2012... Dutch company Tribal Internet Solutions has a page on its website where you can meet the employees -or should I say "cast of characters"? Run your mouse over the portraits and see them switch from their secret identi... Esparza of design company Wo... ...Brothers created something pretty nifty: superheroes drawn in the style of Pablo Picasso. Ta... ...creating their own Picasso-styled cubist superheroes : Link Scalisi Palminteri purchased a few images... ...lay, he turned them into serene and contemplative superheroes . You can find Superman, Catwoman, Spider-Man and...