Social Security numbers are confusing. The SSA tells you to never... Grey (previously at Neatorama) explains social security numbers from their beginning to us in a way we ca... ...nderstand, which is what he's good at. Meanwhile, Social Security is not so good a... sounds like a joke to be declared dead when you... ...en you are very much alive, but if it’s the Social Security Administration that makes the mistake -possibly w... ...s have been affected.Affected how? If you receive Social Security benefits, those will stop. Banks won’t let... the American economy has moved away from manufa... ...with the number of people who need jobs, the U.S. Social Security Disability program has boomed. This boom covers u..., she told me she would be the woman at the Social Security office who weeds through disability applications.... ...disability... retirement on the pleasure planet Risa is sa... ...easure in seeing George Takei's YouTube clips for Social Security .Fanboy has the clips: Link (and that old lady bes...