[http://youtu.be/qgMnHZHkUB8] (YouTube link)Zoich... ...a nationwide contest to select the mascot for the Sochi Olympics back in 2010, he drew more votes by far... ...;s design process here. But here are the official Sochi Olympics mascots:A cute leopard, hare, and polar... ...e Paralympics mascots, in a snow...
Zoich, the Sochi Olympics Anti-Mascot
Eight Olympic Events Debuting in Sochi
Eight new events in the winter Olympics? Yes, ther... ...ut there are some brand-new sports we will see at Sochi , such as halfpipe skiing. Like their snowboardin...
Hotel Conditions in Sochi
My hotel has no water. If restored, the front desk... ...e because it contains something very dangerous." # Sochi2014 — Stacy St. Clair (@StacyStClair) February 4... ...know what very dangerous face water looks like. # Sochi #unfiltered pic.twitter.com/sQWM0vYtyz— Sta... ...e Olympics begin, and j...
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