Kim Kardashian has been known to take a break from... ...he posted a pic of her Louis Vuitton trashcans on Snapchat the internet community couldn't help but dump on... Snapchat users, friends Baierman and Cammy tried to share... get to know certain characters and products by... ...lip into conversation, like Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat .But would Instagram have become as big if it was... ...become as big if it was called "Burbn"? And would Snapchat have succeeded with the original name "Pictaboo"?... Girl saw a guy she was attracted to at the... ...s Fan because of what he was wearing. A couple of SnapChat messages posted to the campus hub, and they both... ...oap opera, because it was playing out not only on SnapChat , but also in real life. -via reddit is a social media app that lets people share phot...[] (Vid... ...thJVk] (Video Link)Elski Felson wants to work for Snapchat , the company that makes the image instant messagi... ...Felson made a video résumé with the Snapchat app.It’s a funny video, but Felson also tak... ...ity to fulfill it.He h... member geeohsnap is an artist in Norway.... ...ple that he sees. He then loads those photos into Snapchat and uses doodling tools to add important details,... Fonder is finding out what it is like to be old and logical. This is the kind of conversation I have with my kids all the time. The truth is, in today’s high tech world, it doesn’t matter whether a new ap...