Neatorama Posts Tagged "Saturn"
Storm Over Saturn

Discussion about weather is often relegated to...  ...... at least for me. These images of a storm over Saturn 's surface--the largest ever recorded on the plane...  ...tres, or eight times the surface of the Earth, in Saturn 's northern hemisphere. The false colours on th...  .... The lower of the two was ta...
Saturn Meets Nine Inch Nails

What do you get when you pair incredible foota... do you get when you pair incredible footage of Saturn and its moons with Nine Inch Nails? An awe inspir...  ...wing the Cassini spacecraft’s second mission to Saturn , here’s a video that will hook you in. It featu...  ...It features incredible black-a...
Cassini Spacecraft Approaching Saturn

5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation from stephen v2 on...  ...essive. Here's the Cassini spacecraft approaching Saturn in 2004. No CGI, no 3D models - just thousands of...
Auroras on Saturn

Image: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona/University o...  ...only planet with the phenomenon of polar lights, Saturn has 'em too! NASA's Cassini orbiter captured infr...  ...0 miles (1,000 kilometers) from the cloud tops of Saturn 's south polar region.In general, astronomers thin...  ...r region.In general, astron...
Titan May Have Life...

The disappearance of hydrogen near the surface...  ...The disappearance of hydrogen near the surface of Saturn 's moon, Titan, could be evidence of hydrogen brea...  ...onfusing—news coming out of the NASA's Cassini Saturn orbiter program. Two new papers have come out, b...  ...alien life could be theoretica...
Pac-man in the Moon...

You thought that Saturn 's moon Mimas looks like the Death Star? The Cassi...
The First Photograph of an Extraterrestrial Lake...

The picture above was taken by NASA's Cassini... NASA's Cassini space probe of Titan, a moon of Saturn . The glint of light at the top of the moon is of...  ...Jeremy Hsu writes: A haze of methane enshrouds Saturn 's largest moon, Titan, and prevents scientists fr...  ...article/2009-12/first-flash-su...
What If the Earth Had Rings Like Saturn?

(YouTube Link) This computer-generated animat...  ...ol imagines the Earth as a ringed planet, such as Saturn or Uranus. First, it addresses the orientation o...  ...that Earth may have had a ring system similar to Saturn 's for a brief period. In a 1980 paper in Nature,...
Saturn's Hexagon

There's a strange hexagon shape at the north pole...  ...nge hexagon shape at the north pole of the planet Saturn .  It was spotted 20 years ago, and Cassini confi... surprisingly cooler? The Mystery Hexagon on SATURN by the-pho3nix Previously on Neatorama: Hexag...  ...ix Previously on Neatoram...
New Saturn Ring Discovered

Using infrared, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has...  ...Telescope has spotted an enormous ring encircling Saturn , previously undetected by other telescopes.  The...  ...osed of ice crystals shed by Phoebe, the farthest Saturnian moon.  The new ring reaches 11 million miles (18...  ...o full moons' worth of...

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