The following is an article from the book Uncle Jo... ...r)Or... who ate the cedars of Lebanon?In the vast Sahara , seas of sand ripple for miles. They rise up in w... ...known to reach 136°F (58°C), the desolate Sahara covers most of North Africa and over a third of t... ...T(Image credit: Ferdinand...'ll be forgiven if you first read that as "... formation in Mauritania, in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Read about it and other wonders of nature...[youtube= ...Tube - Link]When travelling down a sand dune, the Saharan rolling spider (Araneus rota) is capable of rolli... Mike HettwerAlan Taylor of the Big Picture... Hettwer of a dinosaur fossil excavation in the Sahara Desert:About 9,000 years ago, a very wet climate... ...ago, a very wet climate prevailed in parts of the Sahara Desert called the Neolithic Subpluvial period. La... ...eriod. Lasting several thousa...