Neatorama Posts Tagged "SNL"
Saturday Night Live Skit: iPhone 5...

Got a complaint about the new iPhone 5? Perhaps you're upset about Apple Maps? Or the purple flare? Well, three fictional tech bloggers got their chance to air their complaints in this Satur...
Saturday Night Live Presidential Debates...

The first real debate of this presidential electio...  ...tomorrow. But the debates held over the years on SNL are a lot more fun! Can you recall who played the...
Saturday Night Live Timeline...

LaughSpin has a massive timeline of Saturday N...  ...s a lot of information here, covering 37 years of SNL ! Link -via Breakfast Links
SNL Spoofs Moms And Their Obsession With Fifty Shades of Grey

Hulu Link What do Mommy's talk about at Mother's Day celebrations while they are waiting for their preschoolers to perform their little song? Their kids? Nah. This year it was all about the book "Fifty Shades Of Grey....
Before LOLCats There Were Action Cats!...

(Video Link via Hulu) This commercial parody from Saturday Night Live in the early 1990s paved the way for future kittie videos to take the interwebs by storm, and it's an ad for a  fake product I'd actually like to...
Scumbags Welcome At This Church...

A Church in Florida is on a mission to bring scumbags closer to God.  Pastor Moses Robbins of the Saturday Night Live Church in Florida feels so strongly about his calling that he commissioned a billboard.   It simply...
Zuckerberg-Eisenberg-Samberg: SNL Goes Meta

We don't often post about "what happened on TV...  ...e middle of this picture. Eisenberg was joined by SNL cast member Andy Samberg, who looks like Eisenber...
Cookie Monster Auditions for SNL

(YouTube link) Cookie Monster wants to branch out beyond his "cookie-eating career" and host Saturday Night Live. Here he recreates some familiar elements of the show and still manages to eat some cookies along the...
Vintage Betty White...

Unless you've been living in a cave, you already k...  ...n a cave, you already know Betty White is hosting SNL this weekend. (Please say you do!) To get you in...
The SNL Fiver-Timer Club

Since 1975, twelve people have hosted Saturday Night Live five times or more. Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss challenges you to name them. How many can you think of in three minutes? I named six, but I also wast...

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