Photo: Olga Maltseva What do... ...: Olga Maltseva What do you say to a Russian artist who has just painted President Vladimir Pu... ...s atop women’s bodies. In another painting, Russian parliamentarian Vitaly Milonov, the initiator of..., that couldn't be right… This 100+ meter... ...his were built by stacking logs in the forests of Russia , and after they floated down the Volga and Vetlug...[] (YouTube link)A coup... .../jISDSKxoqGE] (YouTube link)A couple in Kostroma, Russia , arrive all decked out for their wedding and are... photographer Denis Budko captured these stunning... ...lting snow on the Mutnovsky volcano in Kamchatka, Russia , revealed an otherworldly snow tunnel. early Russia , dogs weren't just man's best friends - they were...[] (YouTube link)A flood in Siberia has made getting to work really difficult. How do you get your crew across to the other side -call a boat? Build a bridge? Wait for the water to go down? No...[] (YouTube link) Russians commonly use dash cams to record what happens on... hot spring near the Mutnovksy volcano in Russia 's Kamchatka peninsula cut a path through the ice... Russia , Victory Day is May 9, a day to commemorate the s... maybe no one will notice. See more at English Russia . Link -via Buzzfeed 20 years of drilling (20 years! Now... ...ars! Now that's dedication!), a team of Russian researchers have reached Antarctica's Lake Vostok...