Image: Brian Kappel Artist Brian Kappel creates art from an alternate universe where robot aesthetic needs are respected. Beyond obvious propaganda posters like the one above, you can find advertisements catering to... Link) Bojan Nemec of the Jožef Stefan Institute in Slovenia developed an AI-enabled robot that can maneuver on skis without falling over: The laptop control center plans the robot's trajectory, using a ca... Link) iRobot, the company that invented the Roomba household vacuuming robot, is developing a robot that locomotes by inflating and deflating sections of its outer skin, moving contents inside toward its dest... might or might not consider this to be good news. Enrico Grasso of the University Hospital Tor Vergata in Rome, Italy, has developed a pill-sized robot that can crawl around inside a patient, searching for signs of... Link) This video by ABB Robotics demonstrates a sorting robot used in a pancake fa... Link) Panasonic subsidiary Activelink is developing the "Dual Arm Amplification Robot" -- an exoskeleton that allows the user to lift heavy weights. It hopes to have to have a working model by 2015, which ca... Mainichi Daily News (Japan) reports that a college student has developed a robot that can be partially controlled through a neural interface. Taku Ichikawa of the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo hooks... Bloodbot is a robot that drains you of your blood, thus replacing nursing assistants who previously did that task. It's a project by the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College, UK. It's been aroun... Link) Deep Green is pool-playing rob... pool-playing robot created by students at the robotics laboratory of Queen's University in Canada. Stud... Popular Mechanics The magazine Popular M... ...first working incarnation of the Hand of Man at a robotics festival in Amsterdam. Much of his time since the...