Researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have developed an artificial form of skin. It might be used in the future to give robots or people with prosthetic limbs the ability to feel: The Berkeley group... Link) Researchers at the Human-Robot Interaction Center of Saitama University in Japan have developed a wheelchair that tracks and follows ambulatory companions. Sensors gauge the distance and direction of a w... Link) If you were hoping that, after the Robopocalypse, you could earn your soylent green by flipping pancakes for our robot overlords, you're out of luck. Human researchers at the Italian Institute of Technol..., a robot built by researchers at Cornell University, broke a walking record for an untethered robot when it walked more than fourteen miles in eleven hours without recharging: Guided by students with a remote c... Link) The Japanese toy company Tenyo made this robotic butterfly that looks and acts like the real thing. It was on display at the Tokyo Toy Show this year. Link) Artist and engineer Joan Vallv... ...of the project lie in a reflection on the use of robotics as a tool for musical composition and performance... Link) The Chiba Institute of Technology, a private university in Japan, makes awesome robots. No, not giant missile-firing mecha robots yet. Those are still in early development. But Serkan Toto of CrunchG... Link) A team led by Steve Hassenplug built programmable chess piece robots using LEGO's Mindstorms system. They used $30,000 worth of LEGO pieces to construct this chessboard, which appears to be about fifte... Porfiri, a professor at NYU Polytechnic University, is designing robotic fish that he hopes will be able to infiltrate schools of fish and lead them away from dangers, such as water turbines. He thinks that cer... firm Anybots proposes that its robotic avatars co...