You might think that modern America is losing grou... ...lers, people are all for the freedom of their own religion , but not so much for other people's religions . In newly independent America, there was a crazy... ..., there was a crazy quilt of state laws regarding religion... English Russia'Fess up - who though that Ga... ...e than that - so they've decided to created a new religion around her:Well, believe it or not, a group of Ru... ...sian fans of Gadget Hackwrench have created a new religion , with the above mentioned cartoon character as th... undying devotion of fanboys to Apple is nothin... ...onship to its consumers/fans into something else: religion .There are scholars who study Apple's consumers as... Descartes' health may have been troubled, but his genius was completely intact. His survival led to an amazing perspective about why we are here, and the truth behind that notion.Thus the whole of philosophy is like... worst part about being an atheist is that I have no one to talk to during sex. - @Trick_or_tweet... GOOD Magazine and Column FiveDoes bel... ...od help make you wealthy? If so, can a particular religion make you wealthier than others? GOOD Magazine in... ...Column Five takes a look at America's wealthiest religions :It's no secret that the distribution of wealth is... the February issue, National Geographic magazine takes a in-depth look at the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS), who still practice plural marriage. Pictured is the family of Joe Jessop... Clark Kent, Superman was raised as a Methodist. While growing up in Smallville, Kansas, Clark Kent attended Sunday church services at the local Methodist church with his mother, Martha Kent, every week until he was f... knows who Manson, Koresh, and Jones are. These are a few cult leaders that didn't reach the same level in the media. But their behavior and actions were equally disturbing. Pictured is Wayne Bent (or Michael... the mall, asking myself "What would Jesus buy?" - @linajk...