At Randall Munroe 's What If? blog, where he researches the oddest q... ...s with enough atmosphere to even consider flight, Munroe looks at the pure physics of the flight, and only... you are trying to avoid the flu, simple math te... all your faith in hand sanitizer is a mistake. Randall Munroe at xkcd even did the math for you! Wash your hand... creator of the webcomic xkcd, Randall Munroe , is one of the internet's favorite people. The "w... ...nty of each. Then it veered into medical science. Munroe explained that everything changed when his fianc&... ...years since the diagnosis. Congratulations to the Munroes are around a half-million words in the full... only a few thousand in everyday communication. Randall Munroe of xkcd explains the Saturn V rocket using only t... ...mmonly-used English words. This comic grew out of Munroe 's journeys into Simple English Wikipedia. You can... late in the presidential election season, doe... ...four years to watching a never-ending horse race? Randall Munroe at xkcd noticed that our obsession with the polls..., you've seen his comics xkcd on t...'ve seen his new site What If, where Randall pondered things like what would happen if... ...un!) Megan Garber of The Atlantic spoke to Munroe about how the new What If series got st... big can one webcomic panel be? Randall Munroe pushes the limits in one xkcd panel. Click and dr... ask the question every once in a while, "Wh... ...e of the Earth. The short answer is: nothing. But Randall Munroe at xkcd explains that while the Earth wouldn't mo... Munroe of xkcd demonstrates to us how greatly our knowle... Munroe knows how hard it is these days to select your co...