Photo via Cool and Collected Do you have this nifty Superman lunch box in your closet? If so, you could be rich! TopTenz lists the top 10 toys in your closet that could make you rich.... extinct in the Middle East, the rare Sand Cat has finally been bred in captivity--and... ...y. Cute cute cute! After 63 days of gestation, a rare Sand Cat Kitten was born at Israel's Zoological... Curtis of New Zealand has a very prized cat for a pet. Her cat, Buddy, is Siamese-Bengal. Buddy went missing for a few days. When he was returned Michelle was horrified to find out that neighbors had neutered... year ago today, a devastating earthquake shook Haiti. An expedition from Conservation International went to Haiti in October to see how the forest ecosystem was affected. Amphibian Conservation Officer Dr. Robin Moor... a minute -when did the first remote-control robot hit the market? It was way back in 1957 in Japan. This is a Radicon Robot, still in good shape 53 years later. It sold for almost $9,000 on eBay! But it is far from... may recall the story of the guy who sold the Nintendo game Stadium Events for $41,300. Other old video games can be sold for ridiculous amounts not because of any intrinsic value, but because of their documented rari... you imagine finding a pile of photographs take... ...nd president Kennedy and other celebrities? These rare candid John F. Kennedy images are from a 1960's C...