Your town lacks space for a library? Try this... ...ect Ingeborg has placed 70 stickers equipped with QR codes and NFC chips in various locations around the tow... created this brilliant QR code pint glass in a cool marketing effort. When... needle felted die is pretty cool. One with QR codes is even better. But one on which each code repres...'s state upfront that redditor adriannezy... ...a costume that got in the way. So she generated a QR code that, when scanned, reveals a picture of her... link Is this real or just clever advertis... ...agline, which is just what Marco did by getting a QR code tattoo. On the heels of hoax by the woman wh... Dutch Royal Mint in Utrecht is celebrating... ...It has been reported that they include functional QR codes the past, Scott Blake made composite portra... ...rcodes. Now he's getting with the times and using QR codes instead. Pictured above is a portrait of radio sh... Nascimento from Brazil got this QR code inked on her arm. When scanned, it reads "ho... tombstone maker Ishinokoe has begun o... ...hinokoe has begun offering memorials that feature QR codes . Want to know more about the person entombed the... ...and scan the code. qr your winners! These two did the entire... ...Meet your winners! These two did the entire QR code hunt in a staggering 30 minutes! Congrats an... ...all the other mom and pops who allowed us to put codes