Properly managing one's finances seems like it sho... ...But these U.S. leaders could have used more dead presidents in their wallets. HARRY TRUMAN -THE BUCK STOPP... ...hetic that President Eisenhower passed the Former Presidents Act in 1958, which created a pension for Truman.... you recognize the United States presidents from their baby pictures? Then you should do well... ...htime Quiz at mental_floss! Yeah, the more recent presidents Hardley decided to draw all the presidents . Some he drew more than once, some are actually s... have been 47 people to hold the office of vice-president of the United States so far. How many can you name in ten minutes? That's the challenge in today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss. I guessed I'd probably... is celebrating the migration of the site to a new, malware-free, high security server! And that means the return of Lunchtime Quizzes. Today's quiz features questions from the game Who Said What in the W... knew some presidents were hams (cough*Clinton*cough) and some no doubt... 27 marks the 152 birthday of one of our na... ...thday of one of our nation’s most memorable presidents and one of my personal heroes, Theodore Roosevelt... ...nstantly rated as one of America’s greatest presidents (or, in the words of Cracked, “The Most Bad... ...erson are considere... poll of 238 presidential experts at the Siena Re... ...the Siena Research Institute has ranked the USA's presidents . This is the fifth time they have published such... all know the tired old legends and facts - Geor... But there's more than meets the eye with the Presidents - here are a few lesser-known facts about each of... ...ver do so, actually), so he technically counts as Presidents #22 and #24. 1. George Washington indulged in lu... ...once said. 27. Wood... staff photographer for New Yorker magazine referred to only as Platon set up a studio in the United Nations building this past September to get portraits of as many world leaders as possible. For five days he took phot...