Presidents since 2000. Statues of the presidents , that is! Every year, two new bronze statues (eac... ...kota sculptors) are added to the downtown tour of presidents . Now every president is represented except for th... everything else he took to, Abraham Lincoln was a self-trained as a poet. He started at the task during boyhood, often using verse for satirical purposes. Here, however, is a selection from his more somber 1846 piec... Presidents Day article is from the book Uncle John's Bathroo... White House changes with the times and the presidents .A longtime symbol of American freedom and power,... ...ways on display but often finding new locations. ( Presidents have been known to rearran... yourself with a quiz on U.S. presidentia... ...rself with a quiz on U.S. presidential trivia for Presidents Day at Buzzfeed. You may do quite well, consideri... first real debate of this presidential election year is coming up tomorrow. But the debates held over the years on SNL are a lot more fun! Can you recall who played the candidates in those comedy debates? Test yourse... says a dropout can't lead the nation? Though 25 of our former and current 44 Commanders in Chief were practicing lawyers at some point before taking office, some others just didn't seal the deal, leaving law school b... Xineph asks this brilliant question--no doubt the topic of many future doctoral dissertations.I agree with those redittors who think that it would ultimately come down to Andrew Jackson vs. Teddy Roosevelt. And... don't recall ever seeing them on our coins, stamps, or monuments, but we're told the following ten men were once president of the United States. Go figure! 1. Herbert Hoover (President #31, 1929--1933) Although... a gift to his girlfriend the history teache... ...ry teacher, redditor omnes took Andy Rash's pixel presidents pattern and made each Commander-in-Chief out of b...'s Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss is a cl... ...s Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss is a classic for Presidents Day. Can you name all the United States presidents ? There are 43 different men who have served in th...