This is why I am reluctant to tell people what I d... one believes that, either. This comic is from Poorly Drawn Lines . -via Geeks Are Sexy my experience robots aren't any fun to hang out... ...ittle haywire. Such shocking behavior! (Comic via Poorly Drawn Lines )-Via Geeks Are Sexy you name a comic Poorly Drawn Lines you're shifting the emphasis from the artwork to... ...n Francisco based cartoonist has been putting out Poorly Drawn Lines comics for only three years and yet it has become... ...ause his strips are so damn funny! We've featured Poorly Drawn Li... don't have to believe everything you hear. I'v... ...he guy's snack bag. This is the latest comic from Poorly Drawn Lines . Poorly Drawn Lines /Reza Farazamand)Hey, hey! Flying is what my peopl... is why we’re glad babies don’t ta... ...decided not to. This comic from Reza Farazmand at Poorly Drawn Lines Via PoorlyDrawnLines )A good cook will often take their culinary skills... you one of those people who gets mighty proud... ...probably relate to this delightful comic strip by Poorly Drawn Lines , although you may want to take a more direct appr..., love! It sure beats growing old all alone. At... ...ime to not fall dead! A Valentines Day comic from Poorly Drawn Lines . days--heck, weeks--you just give up. It's time to veg out and do nothing, not even move. But what would happen if the entire human population did that at the same time? Reza Farazmand describes the end of the world....