Neatorama Posts Tagged "Politics"
How to De-Politicize Your Facebook Feed...

Are you tired of seeing posts about Trump and cong...  ...a few add-ons available, most notably Remove All Politics from Facebook and Social Fixer. While not mention...
Things About America That Make No Sense to People in Other Countries...

America's a big place and it's also kind of weird in some ways. TopTenz has collected ten strange things about the US that might actually seem normal to Americans, but seem very odd from an outsider's perspective. For ex...
Fascinating Facts About Mexico...

Thanks to Trump's wall and anti-immigration policies, Mexico has been in the news a lot lately, but while people have been talking a lot about the country, few people actually know much about it. Thanks to TopTenz, now y...
Sir Ian McKellen Knows How to Protest...

(Image via Twitter)The Women's Marches that took place across the globe yesterday weren't just attended by women. Sir Ian McKellen is an outspoken political activist who attended the march -and he had just the right sign...
One Thing Trump Supporters and Protesters Can Agree On: Free Pot...

There's been a lot of news about the inauguration this year and it mostly focused on how divided people are about a Trump presidency -he has tons of die-hard supporters, but also tons of die-hard critics. But one thing t...
This Bad-Haired Moth With a Weird Penis Was Just Named After Donald Trump...

Just in time for the inauguration, scientists have named the first ever animal after Donald Trump. A few species were named after Obama during his term and now it's Trump's turn. Of course, there is always a reason behin...
Riots, Guns, Bribes: Teddy Roosevelt’s Contested Convention...

Some are expecting a free-for-all at the Republican National Convention this July in Cleveland. Honestly, that may seem unusual to younger people, but party nominations used to be much more public fights. Even in my life...
Time Traveler Running for President; Knows He’ll Win...

While some conspiracy theorists want to unveil the administration in Washington as the lizard people they are, and others want the truth about UFOs to be revealed, one presidential candidate wants to reveal government br...
Political Polls Have Gotten Kind of Weird Lately...

Usually political polls are limited to feeling out how voters feel about candidates or controversial issues, but this year there have been some particuarly strange polls. For one, the New York Times polled Republicans to...
One of the Strangest Ways to Support a Presidential Candidate...

There are a lot of strange political fundraisers during presidential races, but this year might be the first time you can purchase a weed pipe to support a potential candidate. Bernie Sanders supporter Ariel Zimman has s...

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