The best pizzeria ever must be this restaurant in... ...s the customers' attention. It’s a rotating pizza oven with a mirrored surface. At night, colored l... at Neatorama, we love our pizza . In fact, Miss C will sometimes eat a whole pizza hoping to just get a buzz. So just wait until she... ...staurant Trattoria Neapolis that is pretty much a pizza in a glass. It would be easy to think this is jus... ...a slightly strange... Hut's UK division has unveiled the perfect meal f... ...fe" moments. You want to eat a cheeseburger and a pizza ? In the past, you had to eat one at a time. But n... J. Kenji Lopez-Alt)J. Kenji Lopez-Alt's re... ...ods. Though to get the full experience, the ramen pizza should be baked, then left in a box in a closet f..., onions, canadian bacon, cheddar cheese and p... ...nds like a good breakfast to me. Oh wait, it's on pizza ? Now that's a great breakfast!Link for something a little spooky to serve at your Halloween party that still won't creep out the youngsters too much? Then look no further than this fantastic snake-bite calzone by Kraft foods. It's not only a great... the name didn't give it away, the Megaburgerpiz... ..., the Megaburgerpizza is a burger with two cheese pizzas subbing in for the boring old bun. The fast food... Is. Genius! Redditor Ratapus found t... ...Niagara Falls has a dedicated button to call for pizza . All phones need this! dough surrounding Kit Kats, bacon milkshake... ...nding Kit Kats, bacon milkshakes, hot dog-stuffed pizza crust? Where have these 11 fast food masterpieces... featured on Mental Floss been all my life? And Pizza[](Video... ...n, but I think this is Juan Ramirez Hermosillo, a pizza