(YouTube Link) Okay, I have to get my hands on... ...your brain gets used to it. Become a master like Phil Hansen , who quickly sketches 38 different portraits of c...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/05/09/portraits-of-38-badasses-drawn-on-whiteboard-shirt/(YouTube Link) Who knew that Coke and tradition... ...great tastes that taste great together? Watch Phil Hansen go to work on a gigantic reproduction of Hokusai'...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/04/24/hokusais-the-great-wave-painted-using-coke/What's so special about this print of Vinc... ...his print of Vincent van Gogh by artist Phil Hansen ? Just zoom in a bit ...... ...... and finally, a story: Phil asked his viewers about an experience that shocke... ...Previously on Neatorama: Artwork by *strong class="match...
https://www.neatorama.com/2012/01/04/the-zoomable-van-gogh/Fast food grease as art? Yep. Watch as artist Phil Hansen creates a huge replica of the Mona Lisa using not... ...eviously on Neatorama: Bruce Lee Speed Painting | Phil Hansen 's Influence: a Body Paint Art
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/03/19/mona-lisa-made-from-burger-grease/Here's an art piece, made with tea candles as pixe... ...an art piece, made with tea candles as pixels, by Phil Hansen from August 2007 (theme: fire!). Hit play or go t... ...or go to Link [YouTube] - via bog-brushArtwork by Phil Hansen previously featured on Neatorama:- The ABCs of Lo... ...rama:- The ABCs o...
https://www.neatorama.com/2008/02/20/tea-candles-as-pixels/(YouTube link) A personal Valentine from Phil Hansen (featured previously at Neatorama). He posted the... ...song and making the video at Goodbye Art. http:// philinthecircle
https://www.neatorama.com/2008/02/06/the-abcs-of-love/Artist Phil Hansen used more than 7,000 red, white, and black-tipped... ...0_C (with video goodness)Previously on Neatorama: Phil Hansen
https://www.neatorama.com/2007/08/31/jimi-hendrix-in-matches/Phil Hansen "paints" a giant mural of Bruce Lee by dipping hi...
https://www.neatorama.com/2007/04/01/bruce-lee-speed-paint/Phil Hansen painted 30 different people that who influenced h... ...d it was awful!Hit play or go to Link [YouTube] | Phil 's website