Many kids know the joy of jumpking in a freshly-raked pile of leaves, but their joy is nothing compared to how absolutely thrilled this husky is to see such a majestic playground made just for him.(Video Link)If that pi... couple Abby and Matt were sick of being harassed by their parents about having a baby, so when they went to adopt a puppy, they had a brilliant idea about how to get their family to leave them alone.They had thei... and Christmas are a great combination -especially when it involves Christmas trees.Naturally the trees make great climbing posts, but even when they aren't climbing the trees, kitties still seem to be pretty darn ha... Link)Personally, I can't stand golf -both playing it and watching it. But I could watch Crusoe and Oakley hit the links all day in these dapper outfits. Sadly, they not only look better playing than I do, I think... Link)Most dogs' natural instincts kick in when they hit the water, even if they're wearing a life jacket, but this husky is just too chill for that. He may be failing his swim class, but he's winning at life. I m... all have bad days -sometimes even bad weeks. When you feel down though, dogs can cheer you up and this Buzzfeed article is filled with all kinds of dog pictures sure to make you smile.Yes, dogs are beautiful souls and... Link)Sometimes we just want to believe there is something more out there -that if we just try a little harder we can finally get what we've been dreaming of for years. This sweet puppy feels the same way and he kn... Link)Some dogs are natural enemies of lemon... ...our, strange taste of the little yellow fruit.Via Pets Lady Link)This wild peacock lives in Malinda Coltura's neighborhood and he seems to be pretty well cared for and relaxed -even around pesky kittens. This kitten doesn't know that peacocks can be mighty aggressive or ev... your dog a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff? You might have some suspicions or you might have no idea at all, but thanks to Buzzfeed, now you can know for sure. Unlike many of the quizes on Buzzfeed, the answers actually see...