In 2011, photographer David Slater was in Indonesi... People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ( PETA ) has filed suit to grant the rights to the monkey... ...not qualify.However, Jeffrey Kerr, a lawyer with PETA , said the copyright office policy "is only an opi... ....Slater said he is “very... this month, a truck crash in Salem... ...undreds of chicken. To commemorate the sad event, PETA wanted to build a statue: PETA wanted to build a statue standing more than five... the slaughterhouse in the first place,” PETA spokeswoman Sha... Irina Silvestrova/Shutter... ...ily to entertain the masses. Sounds like slavery? PETA thinks so and they're suing ... on beha... ...sniffer dogs to detect bombs and drugs. Peta says the killer whales are treated like slaves fo... the new Super Mario 3D Land gam... ...anooki, a Japanese raccoon dog, of course! PETA , understandably, is upset over the unnecessary ki... stranger to controversy and publicity stunts, PETA is back - and this time, the animal rights group... ...rights group is putting money where its mouth is: PETA is offering a $1 million reward to the first scie... vitro meat be available to the general public. PETA is...