(Image credit: Duncan Cook)Imagine walking into a... ...ye on the door at the other end of the hall. This optical illusion is the entrance to the showroom at Casa Ceramica,... ...h tile was custom cut and numbered to produce the illusion . That has to impress customers coming into the sh...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/10/10/The-Floor-is-Melting/If you stare at this circle for ten seconds, your brain will begin to perceive it as a red dot. Go ahead, try it! Crinchy posted this at reddit, and SEILogistics gave a simple explanation. It's caused by a prefrontal imb...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/08/24/Amazing-Optical-Illusion/Redditor verantgoten took what he thought was just... ...child is behind the mirror. At first glance, the optical illusion is that verantgoten, in the mirror, has feet belo...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/05/09/Accidental-Optical-Illusion/Image: @mimles Mimi Choi, a 31-year... ...ver, Canada, creates some of the most fascinating optical illusions we've seen. The artist's work went viral recently... ...ing light colors to highlight edges to create the illusion of height, volume and separation. Taking your pho... ...ht angle is also cruci...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/04/10/Sliced-and-Shifted-Face-Optical-Illusion/You are familiar with the rotating snake illusion . As your eyes move over the image, they appear to... ...4IHB3qK1KU] (YouTube link)Ryan Kotzin printed the illusion out and gave it to his cat Peter. The cat saw the...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/04/08/Cat-Encounters-Optical-Illusion/Image: @Akiyoshi Kitaoka We've feat... ...Kitaoka We've featured Akiyoshi Kitaoka's optical illusions before on Neatorama (like this predecessor to tod...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/04/05/What-Colors-Are-These-Girls-Eyes/We know that strawberries are red, or at least they should be, so that's what we see. Professor of Psychology Akiyoshi Kitaoka (previously at Neatorama) created this image of strawberries that contains no red pixels at a...
https://www.neatorama.com/2017/03/01/What-Color-Are-These-Strawberries/Once you see it you can't unsee it pic.twitter.com/5mREeJUhYV— bree (@msbreeezyyy) October 25, 2016 Look at this set of legs, originally posted by Instagram user leonardhoespams, all oiled up and glossy. But wait,...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/10/26/An-Illusion-You-Cant-Get-Back/Can you see the 12 black spots outlined in white i... ...ill take some practice.The 12-dots version of the illusion traces back to scientist and visual- illusions specialist Jacques Ninio, author of a paper on H... ...2000 in the journal Perception. If the black-dots illusion...
https://www.neatorama.com/2016/09/12/Look-for-the-Dots/It's not just what you see, but what you don't see that makes these body paintings pop. Lisha, an artist in Canberra, Australia, creates negative space by painting her arm black, then adding lighter colors. When photogra...