Just like the FedEx arrow, once you've seen it - y... ...short and funny clip from College Humor about the Optical Illusion
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/02/23/the-optical-illusion-girlfriend/Ooh, it's there all right. It's a hidden message by Brad Troemel - the question is: can you see it? See the bigger version at today and tomorrow blog....
https://www.neatorama.com/2009/01/16/hidden-message-by-brad-troemel/Andreas Aronsson is a professional IT technician b... ...professional IT technician by day and an awesome optical illusion artist at night: he made a series of cleverly dra...
https://www.neatorama.com/2008/12/31/andreas-aronssons-impossible-figures-optical-illusion/The im... ...t appears to "roll". For more very cool optical illusions
https://www.neatorama.com/2005/09/09/roller-illusion/A very, v... ...A very, very cool collections of optical illusions - wait, it may just be you going crazy... Be sure... ...to check out the rotating face mask, the Thatcher Illusion