The New Year holiday is an elaborate party to celebrate the ha... elaborate party to celebrate the hanging of a new calendar. But different traditions have grown around the celebration in different co... ...some of us don our m...
10 of the World's Most Entertaining New Year's Customs
Field Peas, a Southern Good Luck Charm...
New Year traditions are often a matter of “do such-and-such on... ...anuary first, and you’ll have good luck all year .” In the American South, that means eating... ...quo; In the American South, that means eating the new year...
Spongebob in Flames: The New Year's Eve Effigy Burning in Ecuador
It’s a New Year ’s Eve tradition in Ecuador (and other Central and South American... to burn effigies that are symbolic of the old year (“año viejo”). They range from... ...depicting politicians a...
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