The picture above is a 3D image of some of the... ...e almost entirely uncharted.[...] The field of neuroscience emerged in the late 19th century, when scientists... ...Advances in neuroimaging, genomics, computational neuroscience and engineering have put us on the brink of anoth... ...have put us on the... Link) Princeton neuroscientist David Tank wanted to study individual neurons in a mouse's hippocamus as it moves. But the movement of the mouse's body prevented accurate readings. So he placed the mouse on... Craig Bennett bought a salmon to test an fMRI machine and work out some protocols. So, as the fish sat in the scanner, they showed it “a series of photographs depicting human individuals in social situa... notice when you walk into a room that you know something has changed and it takes a moment to realize what's missing? Your eyes may know the answer before you do, as simple memory games have shown that your eyes fo... is it so uncomfortable to stand really close to a stranger? Sure, there are the potentially icky things. Sometimes an elevator car is so crowded that you can smell a fellow rider's shampoo or chewing gum (or worse).... Link) This CBC news story describes a brain surgery simulator that doctors in Halifax, Canada use for practice before cutting open real patients. It simulates not a generic human brain, but the brain of the... scientists at the ATR Computational Neuroscience Labs have successfully built a machine that can r... as dreams.Researchers at the ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories succeeded in processing and displayi...