This past weekend was the anniversary of the death of a beloved Hollywood star. Yep - it was August 10, 1932, that Rin-Tin-Tin met his maker. So, in old Rinty’s honor, I thought we would revisit some of the world’...
And My Dogs Can't Even Roll Over...
The Weirdest Insects in the World...
There are over a million described species of insects, and even more that haven’t been studied. A little research indicates they are all strange in different ways. It was not easy to pick a dozen for this list, but the...
The Original Rock Music: Stones That Sing!...
The Musical Stones of Skiddaw.On display at the Keswick Museum and Art Gallery in Cumbria, England is a unique musical instrument that looks like a xylophone - but instead of metal or wood, the notes are made from stones...
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