Mutts sometimes get a bad rap because they are les... ...did backgrounds, then don’t miss out this older Neatorama article about famous dogs that were adopted from... photographer Jan Banning traveled the world for his 2008 book Bureaucratics, a comparative study in bureaucrats from around the world. Jan traveled to Bolivia, China, France, India, Liberia, Russia, Yemen and the U... there are plenty of bizarre Blogger and Word Press pages, the number of off-the-wall Tumblr accounts is a little astonishing. I don’t know what it is about Tumblr, as opposed to all the other blog programs ou... like to think that I've picked up a lot of random trivia as a writer. I often blurt out trivia at really inappropriate moments in casual conversation. I like to think that I would rock on Jeopardy!, but I have taken...’ve said this a million times, but I’... ...;ll go ahead and repeat myself for the first-time Neatorama reader: I loooooove Halloween. Halloween is like... I Met a Possum readers (Hi mom and Jennifer!) already know that a few friends and I took it upon ourselves to investigate the Lizzie Borden house in Fall River, Mass., last weekend. We had such a blast that we've d...