Pioneering journalist Eliza Scidmore was the magazine's first official female writer, photographer, and board member. In the 1890s, the organization that is now the Smithsonian Institution gave Scidmore a Kodak camera to... 21 is National Selfie Day, an unofficial holi... pet owl. See the amazing gallery of selfies at NatGeo . May 2017 issue of National Geographic features an in-depth look at What Makes a Genius. Author Claudia Kalb and photographer Paolo Woods bring us examples of genius, from Leonardo da Vinci to jazz pianist Keith Jarre... of alcoholic beverages goes back at least 9,000 years, and we may eventually find evidence even older. Even before that, our primate ancestors were attracted to fermented fruit for its good qualities: calories,... picture above by G. Lecoeur, entitled Sardine... ...ird in each category, plus honorable mentions, at NatGeo research can read like a horror story w... ...sites, as well as the research about them, in the NatGeo article Mindsuckers. -via Carl Zimmer China has the world’s largest area of karst topography, where you’ll find hundreds of huge caves. Caver Andy Eavis first explored the caves of China in 1982. He went back in 2013, with a team of cave... old is the Grand Canyon? Scientists haves been working on the answer for decades. Some believe the canyon is fairly young, in geologic terms, having been carved out by the Colorado River in the past five millions yea... the new movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty,... ...rolls of film.Bleasdale's life, like that of many NatGeo photographers, would make a pretty good movie in... ...ovie in itself. Read the rest of the interview at NatGeo Geographic presents the winners of its 2013 photo contest. There were over 7,000 entries from more than 150 countries. Of those, this picture of a polar bear rising in the frigid waters of the Arctic by Paul Sou...