National Hockey League teams keep two goaltenders ready, plus an emergency backup goalie in case both of the pros become injured. The emergency goalie is often from a recreational league, and it's an honor for them to be...
Accountant is Suddenly a Hockey Star...
The NHL's Secret Weapon? Women's Figure Skaters
View image | gettyimages.comThe National Hockey L... ...but professional hockey players. It may shock an NHL player to be sent for lessons from a figure skate...
Blood, Sweat and Teeth: Wild Nights with an NHL Dentist
Mark Methot (Image credit: Flickr user 5of7)Someth... ...other sport has a job quite like a dentist in the NHL . In some games, these dentists simply sit and wat... ...thing, and it breaks a jaw. In the wild nights of NHL dentists, nobody ever knows what’s coming n... ...o;s coming next.Bleacher Report...
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