Custom ponymaker lilgryphon23 used Apoxie Sculpt to make an indest... once promised that if someone ever made a Fluttershy Mosin-Nagant rifle, I would post it at Neatorama. This is not it, but it's awfully close: a Fluttershy SKS. The SKS was the Soviet Union's semi-automatic replacement... great news is that no one at the Neatorama off... ...ut! "Aw, John, you know I'd love to dress up as a pony at work, but there aren't enough wigs to go aroun... “The Return of Harmony,” the demon... ...n for the answer. She finds inside one volume the mystical Elements of Harmony, which she uses to banish Dis... ...of the tale is Twilight Sparkle, the librarian of Ponyville and the protagonist of My Little Pony : Frien... Warmare's Dovahshy comes with an axe. But she doesn't need it. She has The Stare.Dovahshy’s gear is based on the in-game armor, and heavily improvised by me to fit the equine form. She has a holstered axe, w...[YouTube Clip] I take two weeks off and... ...ake two weeks off and what happens? The amount of My Little Pony content on Neatorama drops to almost zero. For sh... link) The soundtrack of one of The Ave... ...gers trailers was synched to relevant scenes from My LIttle Pony to make this wonderful mashup by cloverfieldmoste...'ve got MLP shotguns and MLP handguns, so let's round out the gunsafe with some MLP rifles. I don't know who made this awesome Rainbow Dash Lee-Enfield rifle, but s/he deserves high praise for creativity and rifle sele... Link) At VidCon 2012, Hank Green playe... about bronies--adult male fans of the cartoon My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic. It's a hilarious expression... ...point of clarification: I'm not a brony. I'm just ponycurious . -via The Mary Sue | Hank Green's Website'm having trouble tracking down information a... ...venance is similarly decorated with the symbol of Ponyville 's master flier. Link