This little pony was born in blood. He's carried a dark passenger...'s Lt. Nyota Uhura is perfect: high boots, 60s-era minidress, big earrings and enchanting gaze. She has that look in her eye that says she wants to know how your planet looks on a lazy evening when the moon is f... is said that when a girl begins dating, she an... ...boy by the example set by her father. Therefore my daughters will grow up assuming that men are know... ...row up assuming that men are knowledgeable about My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic. I will, of course, do my..."Gotta catch all the ponies!" Dusty Gusty's Pika Pony[youtube y4hD31VTdsw](Video Link)The One Horseshoe has a terrible power and our heroes must destroy it. Join the fellowship of Applegorn, Celestiadalf, Twilegolas, Rainbowomir and others as they face down the power of Ma... cute pegasus pony by EatToast wants to be friends. But relationship... 's greatest masked superhero--no, not the Mysterious Mare Do Well--is the Pony Knight. What cutie mark did Amandkyo-Su give him?...[youtube IVxhK3Hvhig](Video Link)Yeeehaw! Season 3... IVxhK3Hvhig](Video Link)Yeeehaw! Season 3 of My Little Pony : Friendship Is Magic premiered last night! I have... seller AssassinKittyCustoms is quite skilled... ...y seller AssassinKittyCustoms is quite skilled at My Little Pony makeovers, including these amazing Game of Throne... pony wasn't born this way, but subjected to the work o... ...orn this way, but subjected to the work of master ponysmith