Mothers lie to their children for a variety of rea... ...simply a way to get children to behave. Sometime moms pass along old wive's tales they've heard. And so... ...m“To deter my brother and me from eating my mom ’s delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies... ...mdash;Jen, California“For... they should be, Moms are full of advice, some good, some not-so-good.... Martin is an anthropologist who is curre... ...husband's bonus. I'd like to hear from one of the moms can’t help but be protective of thei... ...e offending scene. That’s funny enough, but Mom and her towel soon turned to covering up other th... ...photoshopbattles.There, Dualshock_Ninja found out Mom was working for government censors. Not our gover... ...d by TheBlazingPhoenix. Some Like...[] (YouTube link) This is a video I had jotted down several years ago and put into a file marked "Mothers Day," which I then lost track of. I mentioned the state of my computer files a while ba...[] (YouTube link)The la... ...e ad is a creepfest, but funny, too. Don't worry, Mom , your little boy may smell like a man, and he may... Your Mother Instantly Breath SprayDon't... ...ther Mother's Day confused and confounded by your Mom . Get the Understand Your Mother Instantly Breath... ...any bitterness left over from talking to dear old Mom Large Recycled Shopper ToteMother's Day is... ...p. This fantastic water-resistant tote features a Mom holding a baby and the caption, "Wow! I get to gi... read laments all the time about how our society... ...bodies, because that's what women do. That's what mommy did. I want them to become women who remember me... Stevens draws scenes from her life as a mother every day, or at least every day since her third child was born two years ago. Some pictures are funny, some poignant, and some tell a story, but all are a joy to...