This is a longer video than I would normally consi... stuff. But this time, they are teaming up with Mehdi Sadaghdar from ElectroBOOM (previously), who we know isn't..., working in isolation can bring out the best in us. Perhaps the best example that could be given to support this statement is when Isaac Newton changed the course of science while working in isolation at his hu... electricity in your home goes out. What to do?... ...//] (YouTube link)Once again, Mehdi Sadaghdar of ElectroBOOM (previously at Neatorama) gives us... printing is slowly but surely being integrated... ...s fun demonstration video by ElectroBOOM engineer Mehdi Sadaghdar .(YouTube Link)Note to Mehdi Link)It used to be common practice to ask p... ...battery then you should check out this video by Mehdi Sadaghdar for ElectroBOOM.(YouTube Link) Mehdi demonstrates how you can link a bunch of AA batte...[] (YouTube link) Mehdi Sadaghdar very helpfully explains how professionals test el...