Two years ago, the U.S. company Megabots challenged Suidobashi Heavy Industry to a giant r... you can recall, it was two years ago that the r..., it was two years ago that the robot company Megabots challenged their Japanese counterparts to a battl... ...ustry accepted the challenge. The idea was to pit Megabots ' Mark 2 robot against the Suidobashi robot Kurata... ...pposed to happen a yea... credit: Flickr user Domenico ) Last week,... ...Image credit: Flickr user Domenico ) Last week, MegaBots , Inc. issued a challenge to Suidobashi Heavy Indu... robotics companies build robots for scientifi... ...d them for specific purposes, like factory tasks. MegaBots , Inc. builds them for bragging rights. What do yo... ...ube link)Anyway, world reputation is on the line. Megabots has a giant robot called the Mark 2. Suidobashi H...