The following is an article from the book Uncle Jo... respect they'd show upon guests? Not quite - medieval knights preached chivalry, but practicing it was... at Luminarium Blog baked cookies and d... ...narium Blog baked cookies and decorated them with medieval illuminations printed on edible paper with edible..., you're not looking at a secret level in a... ...vel in a Super Mario game. This is a picture of a medieval illuminated manuscript with a touch of photoshopp... ...a touch of photoshoppery applied. Carl Pyrdum, a medieval scholar, uses our friendly plumber to explain the... matter how interested you are in history, you p... ...iddle Ages" (also called the "Dark Ages" and the " Medieval period") can vary, in this article, they refer to... ...s article, they refer to the years 500 - 1500 A.D. Medieval Doctors Weren’t Completely In the DarkWhen... ...t Completely In the Da... is what happens when the person who actually saw something is not the same person who has the art supplies to illustrate it. They probably never even met, so what you end up with is somewhat akin to the Telephon... your teenage child go to a p... ...r fight you with a wooden sword as her ( medieval ) punishment! That's what one Seattle, Wash... ...enthusiasts, who recreate fights from the medieval era. Officers said the parents told them... ...t. Child abuse or effe... knighthood sounds like a romantic career in ficti... is a province of Belgium. The Brabant Chronicle is a 14th-century manuscript by Jan Van Boendale. The chronicle was published in several updated versions and covers events of the area from around the year 600 to...'s Castle is Jim Bishop's 160-foot high labor of love. His family lives in the castle he built in the San Isabel National Forest, near Pueblo, Colorado, but it is open to visitors in case you are in the area. The c... science Museum LondonThat's the "Scold... ...spending too much gossiping or quarreling in the Medieval times. It came complete with a bell on top, no le...