Kate Wagner at McMansion Hell is doing a series called 50 States of McMansion Hell , where she looks at terrible architecture of the... ...for a post on your state by using this tag http:// mcmansionhell
50 States of McMansion Hell: Texas Part 1
The Story of a Little Old House...
Kate Wagner of McMansion Hell recently moved from an apartment to a 115-year-ol...
Zillow Backed Down After Threatening A 23-Year-Old Woman Over Her Sarcastic Blog...
Zillow is one of the largest and most popular real... ...tion, 23-year-old Kate Wagner, runs a site called McMansion Hell that features annotated real estate photos with c... ...othing but hot air, and Zillow has backed down so McMansion Hell can share her snarky view of the real estate indu...
American Architecture...
You can credit McMansion Hell for making us more aware of the architecture arou...
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